Mythology, Technology & Nature: New Thresholds in Experience Design with ARAMIQUE

Mythology, Technology & Nature: New Thresholds in Experience Design with ARAMIQUE

Mythology, Technology & Nature: New Thresholds in Experience Design with ARAMIQUE



Artist, Director, and Creative director

50 min

About the Talk

As a kid I grew up in a house with the entire collection of Joseph Campbell’s Power of Myth VHS set under my television. Years later, when I wanted to write and direct movies, I rediscovered Campbell’s work in The Hero With A Thousand Faces and was surprised to learn my mom’s weird videos had shaped so much of Hollywood and modern storytelling.

For the majority of my career as an artist, director, and creative director, my work has been shaped by the intersection of mythology and technology. Looking at timeless archetypes and novel modes of expression and interaction to create new kinds of experiences with universal human resonance. 

But five years ago, things changed. At the beginning of Covid, I moved from France to Costa Rica, abandoning the city for the jungle. Since then, my work has been dramatically influenced by nature and permaculture design, and the way I see the world and my output will never be the same. 

In this talk, I will share how I’ve worked with mythology and technology to design experiences and installations for brands, tv shows, and festivals and how working with nature hands-on every day has changed my ambition for the future and my perspective on all my past projects.