Novel Authenticity: Fusing Tradition and New Experiences in Museum Exhibitions

Novel Authenticity: Fusing Tradition and New Experiences in Museum Exhibitions

Novel Authenticity: Fusing Tradition and New Experiences in Museum Exhibitions

Chris Weisbart

Chris Weisbart

Associate Vice President of Exhibitions at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County

30 min

About the Talk

How are commercial immersive experiences redefining traditional museum exhibitions? Chris Weisbart, Associate Vice President of Exhibitions at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, explores this evolving landscape amid experiential entertainment. He examines the impact on authenticity, cultural engagement, visitor expectations, and ethical considerations, navigating the balance between traditional and novel experiences. Weisbart, a creative leader and multimedia developer, creates tech-infused educational experiences and has worked on award-winning projects like the "Tequila Cloud" for Mexico's tourism board.